ok at this point a tiny chill ran through me, cos if you watch Heroes, you'll know that Jessica is this evil alter-ego of Nicky, and the jessica is damn evil. Then here is this guy called 'Brandon' (well i assumed he is since that's his nick) saying he's jessica.
and he's like flirting with me or something :S freaky shit.
btw his email was something95@hotmail.com , so i figured he was 12 years old. and i didnt know any 12 year old brandons or jessicas. (his actual email is not 'something95', but i changed it so u cant go pester him)

when he said 'your school basketball player' i was starting to think of the possibilites and i msged pewi online too.. but when his next line came out 'that guy in 6 honesty' i knew he got the wrong person.
lol i was pretty cold cos i was a little pissed at Heroes ep18 for buffering so damn slowly. e.g. now i have it buffering for 1+hour already and it's only 75%!! zz.
ok man chowz. go watch heroes.. then perhaps another ep or sleep. bye.